Elenco do reboot de Jumanji ganha a Bênção Havaiana antes de começarem as filmagens


Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, mais conhecido como o ator mais ocupado de Hollywood, começará a filmar o “reboot” de Jumanji. O filme será uma continuação do filme de 1995 que estrelou Robin Williams.

Kevin Hart, Nick Jonas, Jack Black e Karen Gillan se juntarão a The Rock nesta jornada.

Antes das produções começarem no Hawaii, The Rock compartilhou um vídeo do elenco recebendo a bênção do Hawaiian Kahu. The Rock, Kevin Hart, Jack Black e Karen Gillan podem ser vistos no vídeo usando colares em seus pescoços, enquanto Kahu abençoa o elenco antes das filmagens começarem.


Before we embark our #JUMANJI journey here in Hawaii, we gathered our entire cast (here with me are Jack Black, Kevin Hart, our director Jake Kasdan and Karen Gillian) and crew together as our Hawaiian Kahu (priest) Cordell Keka blesses our film with powerful aloha spirit of laughter, enjoyment and love. I often talk about mana (spirit) with you guys and the mana in this room/in this moment was extremely powerful – it can take your breath away and give you goosebumps like crazy. (I was low key ready to run thru a wall in this moment;). Our Kahu eloquently spoke and reminded us that even though our faces are the ones on screen, it takes an AMAZING CREW OF EVERYONE to make this movie work. And when we get tired from long work hours to always remember the joy, laughter and fun our movie will bring to families around the world. So simple, but such a great reminder to keep that perspective of bringing joy and fun to families. Very cool. Thank you Kahu Cordell Keka for this powerful blessing, thank you Hawaii – proud to be back home and THANK YOU in advance to our hard working crew. #JUMANJI #OurHawaiianBlessing #Mana #LetsShoot

Um vídeo publicado por therock (@therock) em


Dirigido por Jake Kasdan e estrelando Dwayne Johnson, Kevin Hart, Jack Black, Nick Jonas, e Karen Gillan, Jumanji estreia dia 28 de Julho de 2017.